Come to a place where you don’t just make a living; you make a life. It's quintessential small-town America woven with a rich tapestry of history and community. And the drive for growth propels everything we do.
Does Vandalia offer incentives for businesses considering relocation?
Both existing and startup businesses can benefit from putting roots down in Vandalia, from our enterprise zone to tax increment financing to statewide incentives.
What demographics should I know about Vandalia?
Nearly 7,000 people make Vandalia their home. In 2013, the median household income of Vandalia residents was $43,793. The median age for Vandalia residents is 37.7 years young. Vandalia’s Economic Development group vigorously promote the area’s robust potential for growth.
What sites are available for business development?
Vandalia offers many possibilities for businesses of all sizes, including several large tracts of land that provide extensive opportunities.
For more information, contact the Economic Development Director at (618) 283-1152.